Tony Frier

Residence: Jersey City, New Jersey, NYC Metro Area
DOB: September 30, 1967
Occupation: Pet Supply Store Owner
Interest; Animal Welfare.
Life Partner of 13 years: Greg Gude
Occupation: Web Design
Pets: Yes

I am originally from Plant City, Florida. Lived in Tampa, Florida for 3 years before moving to Jersey City, New Jersey. After living in JC for less than 1 year we decided to open a pet supply store, Fetch-it Pet Supplies. I continued doing mortgages part-time while Greg continued web design for PWC full-time. We founded The Animal Relief Foundation Fund, Inc of Jersey City which is a local non-profit animal welfare organization. Since moving to JC we have met many cool and interesting people and made some great friends. We have done and seen things we never thought imaginable. Although my family is back in Florida and I miss them, moving to Jersey City, New Jersey is the best thing that has ever happened to us.